The Bend Bulletin recent front page article reminds us why we must save responsible (and brave) local and regional newspapers. The Bulletin, part of the EO Media Group ( a family owned operation) champions “Bend Pride” month and highlights all the events and gatherings in support of the LGBTQ community and Queer rights. It calls on the greater Bend community to back this beleaguered community and show solidarity.

At the same time, we are witnessing in Africa’s Uganda, a barbaric crackdown by the Museveni government on anyone who engages in Gay sex acts. They already faced life imprisonment; now they could be given the death penalty. This inhumanity taking place in a country that the U.S. government gives $1 billion dollars in International aid.
We need to tell Senators Wyden and Merkley and our Congressional Representative to vote to cut off that aid and deny visas to any Ugandan officials or business / trade representatives. Yes Russia and China will benefit but this horrific policy cannot stand. See the Economist article for more reporting.…/ugandas-harsh-anti-gay-bill… Uganda’s harsh anti-gay bill is now law from TheEconomist