This Times exclusive (actually shared with the German tabloid Bild) gives you some insight into the way British journalism, especially print journalism, and politics works over here.
The so-called journalist Michael Gove is now a backbench member of Parliament, was a Government minister under David Cameron, helped lead the BREXIT campaign and then after Cameron quit, stabbed Boris Johnson in the back and ran and lost for Leader of the Tories. So now he’s been punished with a likely £200 k or more deal to write a column for The Times ( owned by Rupert Murdoch). When Boris Johnson was serving as Mayor he was paid a reported £250,000 to write a column for the Daily Telegraph. Now that he’s Foreign Secretary, he’s not writing a column but no doubt gathering anecdotal material for his next best-selling book. But Gove got a hell of a scoop as Trump in effect lobbed a grenade into British politics and debate about when and how to leave the European Union. It’s also a repudiation of President Obama’s poorly judged and ill- timed (in the midst of the referendum debate) comment that should Britain vote to leave the UK, it would go to the ” back of the queue” in any future trade deals with the U.S.
The Name of the Game
Donald Trump will offer Britain a quick and fair trade deal with America within weeks of taking office to help make Brexit a “great thing”. Speaking to The Times in his first UK interview as…